Romans 12:2 speaks about a "good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." We know therefore that there is a perfect Will of God.
In 1 Samuel 8, the elders of Israel, went to Samuel and gave him reason why they wanted to be governed by a human King after the manner of other nations. (vs 4 and 5) The scripture tells us that Samuel was displeased by this request. Samuel knew that this was not the will of God for the governance of Israel. Samuel went to the Lord in prayer concerning this matter.
God's instruction to Samuel is interesting: "Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee:". In other words, give them what they want. But in the same sentence - "they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them." Although granting their request for a human king to rule over them, God considered that request to be one of rejecting Him from ruling over Israel. In other words, the perfect will of God was that He would be their king and, not a man, as the other nations. The Lord went further in warning them of the kind of king that they would receive and how they would suffer under his reign.(vs 9 - 18). The Lord promised that on the day when they cry unto him because of the king that rule over them, He will not answer. Answers to prayer are also aligned with being in the perfect will of God and, therefore, our prayers are hindered when we are out of His perfect will. As the people insisted that they should have a king, inspite of the warning of God, Samuel was instructed by God to "make them a king." (vs 22) Clearly, the Lord was permitting them a king, against His perfect will.
In 1 Samuel 9:16, the Lord leads Samuel to Saul and told him to "anoint him to be captain over my people Israel, that he may save my people out of the hand of the Philistines: for I have looked upon my people, because their cry is come unto me". Samuel stood in the office of king with the anointing of the Lord upon him. God promised that Saul would have military victories for the sake of Israel (see also 1 Samuel 14:47, 48)
Blessings does not mean that someone is in the perfect will of God. There are things that God permits. We live in a day in which many claim to be apostles and are not. Can we say with surety that all who are pastoring are called and anointed for that office? In such cases, the flock suffers. In instructing about ordaining pastors, Paul told Timothy, that he should not put a novice in office. (1 Timothy 3:6) This has to do with maturity and readiness. Doubtless there are many in offices for which they are not ready. They surely are not in the perfect will of God. But God may permit it, as as we saw in the case of Saul. This is dangerous for we can never be effective out of the perfect will of God. And yet, it does not mean that there are not some successes, as we see in Saul.