Dear Fellow Pastors,
The scripture is clear about the threats faced by the church as well as the role of the shepherd (pastor) as the chief defender of the sheep assigned to his care and oversight. (John 10)
These threats are ever increasing, as we enter more and more into perilous times in which deception, evil men and seducers, wax worse and worse. (2 Timothy 3:13)
As Pastors, we need to ensure that we are clothed with the whole armor of God with which we have been especially equipped both to feed and defend the flock assigned to our care. We need to stand in strength and in exercise of the independence that is necessary, if we are to be effective. We need to be aware that as the enemy targets the flock, pastors would be the first point of assault. If the shepherd is smitten, the flock would then be scattered. (Matthew 26:31)
We should also be aware that as we take our rightful position, others would take note. There are those who would be encouraged. There are those who would also become aware of their own limitations with respect to the flock, as the pastors would have marked the boundaries.
Be encouraged!