Dr. Seenath, your exhortation that defines "the salt of the earth" is timely and relevant. It addresses one of the major issues that has been a source of misleading, over the years.
I refer to the teaching in which believers make confessions as to who the scriptures say they are, without recognising that responsibilities and functions are attached to all of those titles. In that regard, you rightly pointed out that being called the salt of the earth, only makes sense, if we diligently live out the beatitude.
Many gladly confess being the salt of the earth, without an understanding of the responsibility and action that the title implies. In acknowledging your great teaching, in this regard, I wish to exhort that this principle be applied to all of the promises of God, that is applicable to the body of Christ. Indeed, we are expected to pay keen attention to ALL of the Word of God, and to be doers of every Word.
In 2 Peter 1, as Peter wrote about the "exceeding great and precious promises" he twiced, used the word "diligence" (vs 5, 10). The word diligence refers to a particular kind of attention and carefulness to perform certain actions, that is expected of the believer in response to the exceeding great and precious promises that have been given to us.
In both verses 2 and 3, Peter wrote of promises that is attained through the knowledge of God. This goes beyond the knowledge that brought salvation as in verse 5, he refers to knowledge as something that the believer must add. In other words, our knowledge of God must be ever increasing. And as it increases, grace and peace is multiplied unto us (vs 2) and we are able to receive those things which his divine power has made available to us. (Vs 3)
So many are making confession of having these things, while not increasing in the knowledge of God, that according to the scripture brings these promises into our lives.
Many confess being partakers of the divine nature, (vs 4) without the realization that the divine nature, if we would allow it to leads us, will cause in us an ever increasing resistance to sin and a desire to live in righteousness.
Verses 5 to 7, goes into details as to the qualities that we are to be continually adding. This clearly shows that the life we are called to live is one of character and expected behaviour. Let us be mindful that the Word of God, applies to every believer regardless of rank or ministerial status.
If there is any question as to the significance of being diligent in adding these attributes to our walk in Christ, verses 9 and 10, should dispel any doubt.
"But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins." (Vs 9 - This seems self explanatory).
The next verse tells us that it is our responsibility to make certain our calling and election and, it is only as we practice these things that we are protected against falling. To state it another way, I can fall if I neglect to do these things. Again, we are to make our calling and election sure. This cannot be stressed enough.
L. Lee Fook