Morrell Aberdeen
Dr. Seenath, your exhortation that defines "the salt of the earth" is timely and relevant. It addresses one of the major issues that has been a source of misleading, over the years. I refer to the tea...
The Permissive Will of God
The Permissive Will of God
Romans 12:2 speaks about a "good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." We know therefore that there is a perfect Will of God. In 1 Samuel 8, the elders of Israel, went to Samuel and gave him rea...
Shepherd Feeding the Flock
Shepherd Feeding the Flock
Dear Fellow Pastors, The scripture is clear about the threats faced by the church as well as the role of the shepherd (pastor) as the chief defender of the sheep assigned to his care and oversight. (J...
Open doors
Open doors
WE ARE ONLY REQUIRED TO BE FAITHFUL We must always be mindful that for us who are called of God, Paul wrote that “we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before...
Delivering Justice In the Church
Delivering Justice In the Church
KNOW YE NOT THAT WE SHALL JUDGE ANGELS? In addressing the multiple problems among the Corinthian believers, Paul dealt with the matter of brothers taking brothers to courts, presided over by the ungod...
Understanding the New Creation
Understanding the New Creation
UNDERSTANDING THE NEW CREATION The Lord Jesus in John 13:34, gave to His disciples “a new commandment”. “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also...
The Sin of Betrayal
The Sin of Betrayal
BETRAYAL While there is truth to what is often said that “all sin is sin”, there are those that seem to be more grievous and devastating in their effects than others. Betrayal must be ranked high amon...