Biblical Repentance
There are those who have adopted the doctrine that they can do any evil they wish and then just repent. They may allow our children to perish and then...
There are those who have adopted the doctrine that they can do any evil they wish and then just repent. They may allow our children to perish and then...
Am I A Gossiper?
The word “gossip” always convey a sense of negative, idle conversation and the spreading of rumours about other people. Concern about gossip, may have been on the mind of Henry Thomas Buckle, when he made the well-known quote: “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people”.
Leadership is about vision. Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…”
Vision is about direction and destiny. Leaders sell their visions to those who wish to follow them. Followers are those who have bought into the vision as espoused by the leader. The exception are those persons who live under dictatorships and are without a choice.
When Jude wrote to the saints, he made mention that his intent was to write to them concerning “the common salvation.” (Jude 3) He found however, that there was a matter more urgent with which he had to deal. He instead wrote, urging the brethren to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 3)
God created man for fellowship with man. That was evident in the Garden of Eden, as the presence of the Lord God, would visit man. (Genesis 3:8) It was also evident that once man sinned, the fellowship was broken and man was hiding from the presence and fellowship of his Creator. It was not God who pushed man away, it was man who was no longer comfortable in God’s presence. (Genesis 3:10.) Sin broke both the relationship and the fellowship that God and man had been mutually enjoying.
Very early in God’s dealing with man, He warns man against using His Name in vain. Much of the use of the Name of the Lord by man occurs in human speech.
When the Lord taught His disciples to pray, in what is a model prayer (after this manner pray ye), He began by addressing the Father and then worshipping Him through His Name – Hallowed be Thy Name. (Matthew 6:9)
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